

    In his A Song of Ice and Fire series, George RR Martin takes elements from history and blows them up to ginormous size. At the Edinburgh International Book Festival, George RR Martin mentioned that the Wall is inspired by Hadrian’s Wall — just like John Henry Clay argues in this article. Martin told the audience:

    “I remember standing there on a cold October day… and I stood on that wall and stared off into Scotland, or what was Scotland, and tried to think what it was like to be a Roman legionnaire… at the end of the world,” Martin said. “It was a profound feeling. But fantasy is always bigger, so when I wrote the books, I made the Wall 100 times as high and a lot longer.”

    In this spirit, I thought it would be fun to look at a few pieces of the A Song of Ice and Fireseries that George RR Martin has made larger than life.




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